Mandatory Physical Immortality gives all Children their Right to Life; Their Eternal
Physical Life! Be The Truth, with Love and Evolving Clarity intentionearing Sedona Psychic Readings
In the near future, when it's no longer considered acceptable behavior to
create all children just to kill them.... LIKE WE ALL DO NOW!! Humanity owes it's newest members a different
attitude about death and taxes. Our Limitation Conditioning places them in our Attitude Karmic
• Maintain ever-increasing key word density (related pages linked together containing non-repeating text containing the subject matter (the key words)
• Have more and more related ‘real’ pages and resources linked to you containing related material all the time
• Cause ever-increasing numbers of new users to enter other related sites ‘referred’ by you (by following links from your site to other sites)
• Create and maintain real “contentâ€: resources and links to resources that actually have value for the consumers of the information (your target market)
• Do this all without breaking any rules of the search engines
• Do ‘it’ a lot to compete with the sheer numbers ‘game’ on the Internet
• Feed it all to the search engines in exactly the format they best like it, all linked together properly, maintained on an on-going, cumulative basis..
These are all things that can be done on purpose, with a self-optimizing, growing Blog! By feeding the data in the right format to the search engines, we ‘feed’ Google, becoming the source of the information, part of the actual fabric of the Internet: a level playing field where all contributions are welcome.
Human edited data is the key: what are you an expert on? FEED GOOGLE (and the others!) You will be rewarded with page rank if you do it properly!
It's important that you kiss rear end to the living dead capitalistic futility paradigm rules of expected subservience to massively contrived local illusions, because if you break out of this modality you threaten to cure the deceit, the hollowness, the shallowness of millions and millions of old paradigm psychically useless liars inclusive of all parents who fill cemeteries with their children because they are to busy doing important things to create their own physical Immortality.